Apply for scholarships

我们的校友,社区成员和企业捐助者都致力于你的成功 through their generous donations. Foundation Scholarships are awarded through the 财政援助办公室按照我们的捐助者指定的标准.


For most scholarships you must:

  • 被录取进入学院攻读学位或证书课程
  • Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress outlined in the SAP Policy
  • Enroll at least half-time (6 credits or more)
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher


  • Annual amounts usually range from $250-$5000.
  • 通知从7月开始发送,如果你被选中获得奖学金, you will receive an email.

How to Apply

  • 财政援助办公室颁发的大多数奖学金是基于以下几个方面的组合 由联邦免费申请确定的优点和证明的经济需求 Student Aid (FAFSA). If you have not filled out the FAFSA, please do so at the Federal Student Aid website.
  • 蒙哥马利县社区学院有奖学金,不需要信息 available on the FAFSA.  为了获得这些奖学金,我们鼓励 students to complete the optional:

    Supplemental Scholarship Application

Explore the following partner scholarship opportunities

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PASFAA奖学金是由协会和慷慨捐赠的 from members. PASFAA will award seven, $1,000 scholarships.

Who is eligible?

Montco students who meet all of the following requirements:

  • 宾夕法尼亚州居民-如果你年满18岁,你必须是宾夕法尼亚州人 在提交FAFSA之前至少连续12个月居住在美国(不包括美国) 任何时候你被宾夕法尼亚州的高等教育学校录取,如果你进入了 或者为了上学校或大学而留在宾夕法尼亚州). If 如果你未满18岁,你必须有一个父母或监护人 在你提交申请前至少连续12个月居住在宾夕法尼亚州 the FAFSA.
  • 至少有一半时间在高等教育机构攻读学位 高等教育或护理或商业贸易文凭/证书课程 & Technical Sector only
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have completed 30 credits or the hours equivalent from 申请时的高等教育专上机构

Steps to be considered

Complete the PASFAA Scholarship Application.

Additional information

  • 奖学金不可续期,但欢迎学生重新申请
  • 参加PASFAA的学校的申请人将优先考虑 membership
  • 以下各界别每年最多可获一项奖学金: Business Trade & 技术,护理,私立四年,公立两年,PASSHE,州- Related and Graduate Schools.

Distribution of funds

如果获奖者或学校代表,PASFAA将在秋季会议上分发支票 is present. If not, check will be mailed. Winners must supply social security number for tax purposes. 经济援助办公室必须核实学生是否注册 and in good academic standing. This scholarship is designed to reduce debt – it is 不得被学校用来代替或减少助学金或其他奖学金 funds. 如果学生在奖学金发放之前退学 申请到他们的账户,所有奖学金必须退还给PASFAA奖学金 fund.

Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship

The Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship 支持学生参与尖端技术的技能培训 and advanced manufacturing fields. Students who are preparing for careers in technology, engineering and advanced manufacturing are invited to apply.

Find out more

Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship

The Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship 帮助提供通过教育进入STEM劳动力的途径 所有学生,特别是那些来自不同背景和社区的学生 underrepresented in STEM fields. Each year, the STEM Scholarship Program awards $10,000 200名在四年制大学学习工程或计算机科学的获奖者 university. 获奖者最多可以续签三次奖学金 value of $40,000 per student.

Find out more

External Scholarships

校外有很多资源可以帮助你找到并申请奖学金 of Montco offerings.

在申请外部奖学金之前,你应该首先确保你已经完成了学业 the Free Application of Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (如果符合条件),并已申请所有蒙哥马利县社区学院(“Montco”) scholarship opportunities by completing Montco's Supplemental Scholarship Application.

External Scholarship Disclaimer
bt365体育备用网站不负责任何列出的奖学金的管理 on this page. 学院没有关联的任何附属机构列出,也没有 does the College vet the opportunities presented. Montco provides these scholarship 你有机会自行研究和申请. You are encouraged 在完成学业之前进行自己的研究并审查奖学金要求 and submitting an application.

Avoid a Scholarship Scam
不幸的是,许多学生和家长成为奖学金骗局的受害者. Protect yourself and your personal information; 如果一个奖学金申请需要你的社会安全号码或你支付 to apply, this is likely a scam; do not ever provide this information in an application!


如果你是通过外部机构获得奖学金的,你需要提交 upload 你的正式通知信的副本必须包含在你的申请材料中 financial aid offer letter, per federal regulations.

确保你的奖学金支票上有你的名字和蒙大学生证号码 is sent, along with your official notification letter, to:

Montgomery County Community College
Student Payment Office
340 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Potential Financial Aid Adjustment
收到外部奖学金可以减少以前的资助. The College will always reduce loan funds before any other aid source. You will be notified of 通过修订后的经济援助offer对你的经济援助奖励进行任何必要的更改 letter, viewable through Self-Service via Montco Connect.

Montco External Scholarship Repository
除了下面列出的外部奖学金和搜索引擎,还有 External Scholarship Repository is available to all Montco applicants and students. New scholarship opportunities 是定期添加的,所以一定要将页面保存为收藏夹,以便您可以重新访问 it often.

External Scholarships and Scholarship Search Engines


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